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Kids Handwriting

Equipping Parents

through specialized IEP services


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Shannon Masterson


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Alice Cowley


Andrea Masterson
Donor Engagement Consultant


Jennifer Gendeman


From a client:

No one chooses to be in a position to seek out an advocate for their child. It is typically a decision fueled by fear, frustration, and anger. Having a person like Shannon to spell it out for you in layman’s terms is valuable. She is kind, personable, and responsive. Her expertise of how to help special needs kids excel at school is priceless. Whether you need advice, a sounding board, or someone to help you communicate with your child’s school, Shannon is a great person to turn to.

– Katie S.


Shannon has been a huge asset to my family, her knowledge and support could not have come at a better time.  She was able to provide us with the advice and insight on the best way to navigate and understand the public school system.  In the end, helping us make the best decision, and finding the best fit for my daughter.  To this day she has provided continued support for both my daughter and younger son.  Her knowledge is invaluable.  My family will be forever thankful to know she is there to help us when needed.

– Kristin B.


From a service provider:

Shannon is meticulous in her work and dedicated to a productive partnership between families and schools. Shannon strives for integrated services and a synchronized approach to education. She is client-centered and individualizes her services accordingly.  Shannon is committed to each student receiving the support that is reflective of the individual’s unique needs. She provides a clear and concise road map for families navigating the path of special education. As a professional that has worked in a variety of settings, she is engaging, informative, competent, and compassionate

– Susan Crumbaugh Orzolek, OTD, OTR


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KY IEP Advocate provides general education and advocacy information only. We do not provide legal advice. If at any point you believe legal advice should be obtained please contact an attorney to provide those services.


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